Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dating Clingy, Needy Nelly

If you find yourself in relationship(s) and you're consistently thinking....

- They don't care about me

-They never listen

-Their work/friends/hobbies are more important to them than me

-They don't think this is as important as I do

Then am guessing you need to read this!

When you talk to a person with confidence, they will only be much more attracted to you than when you communicate neediness, fear and anxiety.

The truth is that potential partners aren't attracted to people who are eternally letting their emotions control their actions.

Dating is about having fun, not taking on the problems of others or making them feel responsible for you.If you're being weighed down by someone so early on, what is the long term going to be like?

Needy people frequently use words like "always" and "never". They assume that because someone does a certain thing, they have different motives than they would in the same situation. - For example, if someone's late, they are automatically doing it on purpose, rather than getting stuck in traffic or a million other things, and this leads to unnecessary drama and conflicts.

Overly needy people have trouble being fun and playful.People generally have a hard time committing to people who act emotionally dependent.

The point here is that if you allow yourself to become too emotional and fearful in situations with a partner, your behaviour will act against you and not for you.

You have to get a grip, be prepared for explosive situations in relationships.You need to think before you act or speak.Try being calm.

The more you practice this, the easier and more natural things will become.

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