Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Beginning

I have always wondered what my first article would be like - what i would say, being a major concern. It literally scared me to think about, but finally yesterday inspite of my fears i decided to be courageous. I told God that he should use everything i had gone through to be a source of encouragement, blessing and inspiration to whoever and i mean whoever reads through the articles.
This is the beginning of a new era, i plan on taking full advantage of this medium. Most of the write-ups, stories and articles would be centred around dating and relationships, making and maintaining the right ones, letting go of the incessantly ridiculous ones, the do's and dont's, the how's to being a better you, making quality and irregretable decisions...its a whole list and yeaahh some in and out stuff on enterpreneurship, poems, etc....
I am assuring you of the certainties of being exposed to truths that u might just be aware of, but are just simply ignoring.
I know without a doubt that we are all the same and possibly go through the same issues..i open you up to the opportunity to share, be heard, be expressive, no matter how derogatory the issue.
It going to be a jolly ride, tag along and i promise you wont regret the ride.

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